Silhouette of a woman holding a breastpump as she walks through a doorway onstage

Untitled Femme Maison takes aim at the absurdity of the American workplace for mothers in late capitalism.

Woman dancing with breastpump

Untitled Femme Maison reclaims the conventions of male-dominated science fiction to create a humorous and immersive physical performance where the banality of motherhood is absurd. Sound designer Ben Williams (Elevator Repair Service), performer Sophie Bortolussi (Sleep No More), and director/ writer Lily James Olds created this sound-based anthropological fever dream. 

Individual headphones drop each audience member into the internal world of the main performer, creating a rare cinematic intimacy in the theater. On stage a miked woman sits alone in a cramped office closet with her breastpump. Under its hypnotic rhythm it transforms from a medical device to a dance partner, a weapon to a sentient robot. The headphones shift the audio track of the live performance inside the audience’s head, turning these mundane actions into an unsettling supernatural struggle.

I believe Door 10 is one of the most vital rising companies in New York’s ecosystem.
— Gabriel Stelian-Shanks, The Drama League
Woman wields her breastpump like a whip, in blue and pink light
Door 10 has an ambitious vision and is taking extraordinary risks.
— Susan Bernfield, New Georges
A woman kneels next to her breastpump
Lily’s fearlessness in engaging with this multi-dimensional medium may be the quality... that most profoundly distinguishes her. It is both rare and refreshing... When developing new experimental work, two tools are invaluable: courage and patience. An experimental artist’s work begins with fearlessness but is only sustained by patience and perseverance. Lily has both, in spades.
— John Collins, Elevator Repair Service


Created, written and directed by Lily James Olds
Produced by Door 10

performed by Sophie Bortolussi, Ean Sheehy, and Juliette Kenn de Balinthazy
sound by Ben Williams
choreography by Sophie Bortolussi
lights by Barbara Samuels
set by Kimie Nishikawa
costumes by Irina Kruzhilina
dramaturgy by Morgan Jenness
stage management by Katherine Patterson and Daniel Maseda

Presented as a work-in-progress at Target Margin Theatre.

Created with the support of the Drama League and the Impact Residency, Laguardia Performing Arts Center, New Georges’ and The Room.

Photos © Lily James Olds